Anna Talley posted an articleCrises, Creativity and Innovation, review by Erica Holeman. see more
Book Details
Crises, Creativity and Innovation
Ed. Zorana Ivcevic, Roni Reiter-Palmon, Min Tang, Magdalena G. Grohman
Palgrave Macmillan Cham
355 pp.
ISBN: 9783031617812Crises, Creativity and Innovation is the latest in a series on organizational creativity and innovation edited by psychologist and professor Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon. The series, Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, is a platform for research into contemporary workplace concerns. In this new edition, Zorana Ivcevic, Min Tang, and Magdalena G. Grohman join Reiter-Palmon as editors to curate a new collection focused on creativity and innovation during crises. While the COVID-19 pandemic is a common topic in many chapters, the text clearly outlines how crises can and will manifest in many scales and forms. As such, the findings and questions raised throughout have far-reaching implications.
With twenty-five international contributors in its fourteen chapters, the book offers a range of perspectives, frameworks, empirical studies, and theories. The book begins by introducing its authors, scholars in psychology, education, and organizational behavior. The introduction includes a moment of optimism for the world and the power of creativity through a call for transformational creativity, described as creativity “combined with wisdom and noble intentions, contributing to positive, meaningful, and enduring differences to the world”. However, that optimism is not mirrored in all subsequent chapters. Some authors are pragmatic; others sound jaded. Because the book relies on empirical studies and frameworks, the tone largely targets researchers and academics. However, minor misspellings—and in one chapter a jarring use of profanity—diminish the text’s scholarship.
Crises, Creativity and Innovation is organized into three themes: theoretical models; crisis and its influence on education; and crisis and organizational or social creativity. The first section establishes important context. Authors define crisis and innovation while posing ethical questions and making a case for the social value of creativity. For example, chapter two outlines relationships between conflict, crisis, and creativity. It finds conflict tends to encourage creativity, though this depends on the scale of conflict and context of those impacted. At times pessimistic, chapter three examines societal and political changes of the past four decades through a lens of creativity. The author proposes it is irresponsible to praise all creativity. Instead, he urges we curate and celebrate examples of “creative quality.” This new criterion requires creative acts are made with integrity and intent toward a positive influence. The next chapter calls for sensitivity and inclusion while ideating solutions in a crisis. Case studies demonstrate how Possibility Spaces—the shift of focus from the present to awareness of future possibilities—translates into a methodology. The authors argue crisis itself may trigger an additional crisis of the imagination; that we must examine how narrow or widely we imagine possibilities as we ideate solutions. Where chapter four presents as a framework, five is formatted as questions and answers. Here the main theme isn’t how to ideate solutions, but how to find agency to do so in the first place. Altogether, this first section grounds the book. It establishes the importance of all the research to come while providing thorough definitions through multiple lenses.
The second theme, crisis and education, begins in chapter six which advocates for building uncertainty tolerance in students. After outlining their model, the authors propose research approaches and teaching methods to help students stay engaged with their education during a crisis. Chapter seven examines creativity’s ability to address emotions in classrooms. Specifically, how negative emotions caused by COVID-19 were avenues to creativity for students and teachers. The argument is that creativity helps students process emotions, build resilience, engage, and contribute to problem solving during crises. Chapter eight again addresses emotions and resiliency but notes the range of impacts across different societies and communities. Authors detail the meaning of resiliency, but the text is largely a case study of how an international art therapy program built empathy and enabled coping for students. The next chapter is an outlier within the educational theme as well as in the book itself. The author argues that the rampant spread of misinformation, including conspiracies, is its own crisis of dark creativity. Though a departure from previous chapters conceptually, it is a fascinating read filled with references and ideas for combating this crisis within a crisis.
Chapters ten through thirteen make up the book’s the third and final theme: crisis and organizational or social creativity. First is an overview of different models of leadership, especially those that encourage innovation. A synthesis of existing research identifies various styles of leadership and how styles differ when preparing for a crisis versus managing during a crisis. The next chapter investigates a crisis of globalization for previously overlooked small and flexible business models. Chapter twelve is more holistic, considering how crises force entities and individuals to accept a “new normal”. It argues that organizations make a multitude of contributions to society, communities, and economies. Finally, chapter thirteen provides case studies of social innovation during two crises in China (the 2013 Lushan earthquake and 2021 Zhengzhou flood). Both emergencies required collaboration, engagement, and flexibility while working within strict parameters.
The conclusion warns against oversimplifying connections between crisis, creativity, and innovation. Nuances in scale, social setting, leadership, resources, and even the meaning of “innovation” or “creativity” are too varied for a linear correlation. Instead, the authors compare the link to a map with branching routes to many potential neighboring outcomes. The book ends with calls for continued research and continued innovation. This in fact is a primary takeaway: much is left to study in the crossover of crisis and creativity.
After the enormous tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic, many sought any small spark of humanity or sign of recovery. This book is one of those reassuring indicators of progress. For what better way to heal than to plan a way forward and learn from the trauma? With its wide range of perspectives and broad areas of knowledge, the book is itself evidence that we can emerge from crisis with reflection and rigorous scholarship.
Erica Holeman is an educator and award-winning graphic designer currently teaching at the University of North Texas. Her research focus is on empathy and play, asking how play might build healthier mental practices (and increase creativity) for professional and student designers alike. She holds a Master in Fine Arts in graphic design from Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA).
Anna Talley posted an articleCraft and Design Practice from an Embodied Perspective, reviewed by Phil Jones. see more
Book Details
Craft and Design Practice from an Embodied Perspective
Edited by Nithikul Nimkulrat and Camilla Groth
238 pp.,
52 b/w illus.
ISBN: 9781032356815Is craft still viewed as something of an adjunct to the industrialised, mass produced, third machine age perspective of the mid to late twentieth century? Such a perspective foregrounds a way of working in which things are made from pre-designed schematic plans, using homogeneous materials with measurable predictable properties, produced remotely and automatically so that the outcomes are identical manifestations of the predetermined specified design—within certain tolerances at least. This is perhaps still the prevailing view with respect to how things are produced, and it stands in contrast to others that focus on the individual, unique, bespoke thing, that emerges from an inter-action between maker and material—an approach that characterised the pre-industrial ages, but one that has survived and flourishes to this day.
But what was, to some, considered to be the outlier, or, the ‘traditional’ rather than the mainstream, or, ‘contemporary’, can potentially be revitalised by new conceptual tools. And this comes at a time when we are entering, reportedly, not the fourth but the fifth, industrial revolution. Craft and Design Practice from an Embodied Perspective arrives therefore, at an interesting moment in time. The excellent introduction clearly and concisely captures the history of the field, and the book as a whole, demonstrates how relatively recent ideas about the embodied, the enacted, the embedded, and extended (4E Cognition) have invigorated thinking in relation to craft and design practices. And it encourages one to think about how this understanding might lead to new approaches that utilise new technological advances.
Every time one mentions new thinking one inevitably goes back to ancient Greece—in this case there is the concept referred to in multiple chapters of the book—hylomorphism—and the idea that physical objects are a combination of form and mat-ter. This assertion, which seems superficially straightforward, seemingly underlies a significant amount of questioning in the book. To what extent does form arise from an engagement with material, and conversely, to what extent does form determine how mate-rials are actualised in an artefact or product? Alongside these relationships between matter and form is the relationship between maker and material. To what degree is materiality exterior to the embodied understanding of the maker? Is the responsiveness of materials only a phenomenological experience, or, is this responsiveness reflective of materials having an independent existence outside of human experiencing? If so, what degree of agency should be granted to both the makers, and the materials they engage with?
As an example—since it is impossible in a review of this length to give justice to each chapter—Groth and Kimmel describe how the nature of clay, amongst other things, changes over the course of throwing a pot—its moistness, rigidity, and so forth. Here there is an ongoing dynamic providing opportunities for affordances to register, suggesting future actions which might involve levels of risk, as well as different potential forms that could result. Because both the final form of a vase, and the potter’s actions in making it, are not absolutely predetermined there is an emergent aspect which feels dialogic (using both senses of the word ‘feels’). While I am sure the craftspeople concerned have an understanding of material science too, it is this embodied experiencing of mate-rials and tools that is highlighted, and after reading the accounts provided in the book it is difficult to imagine achieving a mastery of a craft without a similar level of integration between, maker, tools, and material.
The first section of the book deals with more familiar, typical examples of craft; pottery, glass-blowing, textiles, and so forth. The second section goes on to explore how craft principles apply in relation to the digital and virtual. And this helps us to think of craft, not as a way of hand-producing relatively fixed categories of things—pottery, glassware, and so forth, but as a complementary way of producing things more widely. Justin Mar-shall, in his chapter, points to ‘differences between a craft and an industrial design‑oriented mindset’ leading to two complementary theoretical frames, one which amongst other things, values, ‘fidelity’ over ‘accuracy’, ‘sensitive making’ over ‘efficient manufacturing’, ‘uniqueness’ over ‘infinite replicability’, and so on.
The final section concerns craft produced artefacts; what kinds of knowledge do they encapsulate, can they, for example, provide prompts that enable us to recognise the experiential knowledge of the maker? Furthermore, how do we think with or through these artefacts, particularly when they are made from smart materials? Such questions are ex-plored in relation to participatory design as well as craft, and resonate with ideas from distributed cognition, and with Hutchins’ concept of material anchors.
In several places I found myself trying to reconcile the descriptions of making and experiencing with the Embodied Realist position elaborated by Lakoff and Johnson that I signed up to some 25 years ago. There are metaphysical implications with respect to 4E Cognition that I struggle with, and these descriptions of making are helpful in bringing these issues into sharper focus—ontological commitment, reality, truth, for example.
Overall the book does an excellent job of applying a theoretical framework to a range of craft and design practice, and by doing so places accounts of making on a firmer footing. It also finds space to allow for contrasting ideas to be expressed. The Afterword by Tim Ingold acknowledges the contributions provided by the authors, but introduces doubts about 4E Cognition more generally, that should ignite debate and encourage us not to passively accept its characterisation of thinking and making.As we increasingly converse and collaborate with AI agents we can expect questions about the value of different forms of engagement between human and non-human, and makers and material, to come to the fore even more. By setting the scene so convincingly with regard to craft, design and 4E Cognition the volume is a useful contribution to the foundation on which we must build.
Phil Jones is MA Graphic Design Course Leader at Arts University Bournemouth.
Anna Talley posted an articleGovernable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life, reviewed by Rachel A. Wood. see more
Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life
Nathan Schneider
University of California Press
206 pp.
15 illus.
ISBN: 9780520393943Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life by Nathan Schneider examines the important and contemporary issue of governance structures of online communities, critiquing their prevalent "implicit feudalism" (p.31) a system where platform administrators hold near-absolute power over users. Schneider argues that this centralised authority reduces democratic engagement and familiarises individuals with autocratic control, both online and offline. The author traces the origins of this feudal model to the early internet, where communities (groups of individuals who collaborate to make resources, such as MySQL) were often managed by "benevolent dictators (BDFL)”, for instance, as in the case of the founder of Linux (p.26). “Benevolent dictator” is a title that is commonly given to a small number of open-source development leaders who have the final say in disputes in these groups. Such governance models have carried over into in spaces like Facebook and Instagram, leading to platforms that prioritize hierarchical control over participatory decision-making. According to Schneider, this has contributed to the erosion of democratic skills and sensibilities among users. Like other examples of deceptive design online, these structures are described as ‘dark patterns’ (p.20) which the author believes to not be an inevitability.
To counter this trend, the author advocates for reimagining online spaces as spaces for democratic experimentation. Drawing inspiration from historical governance models and integrating them into digital platforms may foster more inclusive and participatory communities. By doing so, online spaces can become catalysts for democratic renewal, which encourages users to engage in self-governance and collaborative decision-making. This analysis in the book extends beyond the digital, highlighting the intersection of online governance and broader societal structures. Indeed, the author proposes that the autocratic nature of online platforms mirrors and potentially reinforces authoritarian tendencies in contemporary politics. By perpetuating systems where power is centralised and dissent is marginalized, these platforms may inadvertently condition users to accept similar dynamics in offline political contexts.
The book also looks at emerging technologies and movements that challenge such a feudal paradigm. The author examines decentralized platforms, blockchain-based governance models, and cooperative technology initiatives as potential pathways to more democratic online environments. It is argued that these innovations offer alternative frameworks where users have greater agency and collective ownership, countering the top-down control prevalent in mainstream platforms.
This is illustrated through five Chapters. Chapter One, community rule, focuses on participatory models where individuals collectively craft, modify and implement rules within their community, explicitly emphasising grassroots decision making and adaptability. Chapter Two, the case of Twitter (now X), where governance is at the corporate level, a level which is argued to be non-transparent, top down, and driven by the market. This is seen to be in direct contrast to participatory models. Chapter Three, excavations, in which the author examines how rediscovering historical practices can inform the present. Chapter Four, in relation to Modpol (a self-governance toolkit for communities in online worlds p.105), a concept which is described as illustrating the nuances of power dynamics in moderation and policy making. This is particularly seen to be in online spaces with volunteer moderators who balance authority and equity. Chapter Five, meta-governance, is the last profile in which overarching strategies are explored for governing governance itself. This is done through adapting systems and evolving using feedback and fostering resilience.
"Governable Spaces" serves as both a critique of current online governance models and a call to action for reimagining the digital public sphere. The author encourages technologists, policymakers, and users to collaborate in designing platforms that embody democratic principles, thereby transforming online spaces into environments that not only reflect but also nurture democratic values. By addressing the implicit feudalism of today's internet and proposing pathways toward more democratic digital communities, this work contributes to the ongoing discourse on technology's role in shaping societal norms and political structures. The insights invite readers to reconsider the governance of online spaces and to participate actively in the creation of a more equitable digital future.
As of writing, there are limited published counterarguments specifically addressing the arguments as set down by the author. The book also aligns with complimentary arguments centering on peer to peer (P2P) technology and democracy (such as crowdsourcing quoted in Schulz, 2024)1, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations’ (DAOs) likened to ‘digital-cooperatives’ by Mondoh and colleagues (2022) 2, and modular governance systems. While direct critiques are scarce, some discussions touch on the reality of challenges surrounding the implementation of democratic governance in online spaces. These include concerns about scalability, user engagement, and the potential for decision-making processes becoming unwieldy or inefficient. Additionally, there are debates about the feasibility of applying traditional democratic models to digital platforms, given their unique dynamics and the diverse nature of online communities. It's worth noting however that the discourse around online governance is evolving, and as this work gains further attention, more critiques may emerge. Engaging with a variety of global perspectives will also be essential for a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in democratizing online spaces. Governable Spaces, in which democracy is perceived as a design practice, illustrates a useful concept that may have the potential to help foster engagement and inclusivity (such as through participatory budgeting, and e-petitions). However, such a call to action may well be dependent on challenges to this type of decision making including broadening digital divides, threats to cybersecurity and platform biases.
Rachel A. Wood MSc, GMBPsS is currently Head of Customer Journey in public services in the UK. She is also a PhD Researcher with the Design Group at the Open University. Her research is in ‘the exploration of the use of service co-design of parenting education for women who have experience of the criminal justice system.’ She is also a member of the British Psychological Society and holds a master’s in forensic psychology. Her other main research interests are in early intervention policy and implementation, and attachment theory.
1 Shulz, S., 2024. Moving from coproduction to commonization of digital public goods and services. Public Administration Review.
2 Mondoh, B.S., Johnson, S.M., Green, M. and Georgopoulos, A., 2022. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: The Future of Corporate Governance or an Illusion?. Aris (Aristeidis), Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: The Future of Corporate Governance or an Illusion.
Anna Talley posted an article'Design is Power: The Dark Side' by Francesco Galli, reviewed by Samantha Osys see more
Review of Design is Power: The Dark Side
By Francesco Galli
Review by Samantha Osys, The Open University
Mimesis International
290 pp.
ISBN: 9788869773006Francesco Galli's Design is Power: The Dark Side explores the relationship between design, power, and control, focusing on the ethical and political dimensions of the field. Galli argues that design is organised as a self-referential system that operates and evolves based on its own internal dynamics, rules, and feedback loops while maintaining interactions with external environments. The concept is applied in the context of creative, disciplinary, or educational systems, drawing from the biological idea of autopoiesis —coined by Maturana and Varela to describe the self-maintenance of living systems. Galli extends this biological concept into social and creative domains, notably through the work of Niklas Luhmann. In this context, design has the potential for creation, preservation, and destruction, but its dynamics are often implicit, requiring deep engagement to understand.
This book challenges established understandings of design by highlighting its connection with power dynamics, opening new opportunities for thought and debate within design research and practice, particularly in the areas of ethics, leadership, and systemic transformation.
A central theme of this book is the idea of design as a system capable of both regeneration and collapse. In Chapter One, “Power and the Creation, Preservation, and Destruc-tion (CPD) of Systems”, Galli explores how power operates within creative ecosystems. He introduces the CPD framework, which outlines the cyclical nature of systemic power dynamics. This framework provides a lens for understanding how systems evolve, stagnate, or collapse, offering valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners.
Another key theme is the role of leadership and empowerment in navigating these dynamics. In Chapter Six, “Preserving the Power Manifestation”, Galli argues that distributed empowerment, where decision-making authority is shared across teams, and adaptive leadership, which focuses on guiding teams through complex challenges by fostering experimentation and collaboration, are essential strategies for fostering resilient and flexible systems. He highlights the importance of recognising and addressing the inherent tensions within design ecosystems, emphasising that conflict and disruption can serve as catalysts for innovation and transformation.
Galli introduces four historical case studies to illustrate the interplay of power, influence, and control in design. These examples span from the mid-18th to the early 20th century, focusing on figures whose work significantly shaped social behaviour through their designs. Thomas Chippendale’s furniture design pioneered the concept of brand identity and distributed productive knowledge, reshaping craftsmanship into a replicable, marketable model. Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon demonstrated the use of design to impose controlled authority by manipulating visibility and surveillance. Robert Mo-ses’s urban planning revealed how infrastructure, such as low-clearance bridges, could enforce social segregation and control accessibility. Edward Bernays, regarded as the father of public relations, showcased the power of design and media in mass manipulation, exemplified by campaigns like Lucky Strike, which reshaped societal trends to align with commercial goals. Throughout the book, Galli’s use of real-world case studies provides valuable context and grounding for his theoretical insights, emphasising the intrinsic power dynamics embedded in design practices and their societal impact.
The book is structured into three parts that examine the concept of power in the creative industries: its potential, manifestation and preservation. The author uses a grounded theory approach, combining ideas from many disciplines, including biology, psychology, sociology, political science and organisational theory. The first part focuses on the la-tent dimension of power, which refers to the hidden or underlying aspects of power within a system, and the observer's influence on entropy by investigating power dynamics inside autopoietic systems. The second part examines how power transitions from a latent (hidden or potential) state to an active and observable one, focusing on the role of leadership in this process. It explores how leadership can create and manage conflicts to trigger the manifestation of power. Different types of leadership play distinct roles in this activation by shaping or initiating disputes. These conflicts act as catalysts, creating the conditions necessary for latent power to emerge and influence the system. The final part investigates the function of criticism and cynicism in redefining the notion of power and implementing creative leadership as a navigational process, addressing the conflicts emerging from power manifestation. The manifestation of power involves negotiating and balancing interests, wills, and capabilities within a system, whether in a military, organisational, or creative context. Drawing on The Art of War by Sun Tzu, the author cites principles like moral law, discipline, and deception, illustrating how a commander exercises power through strategic planning and resource management.
The conclusion proposes reimagining the creative act as inherently conflict-inducing and problem-creating, advocating for empowerment in research and education for creative disciplines. It introduces an adaptive leadership model that refers to an approach to leadership that emphasises flexibility, introspection, and the ability to navigate complexity within creative systems. It involves several dimensions that address how leaders can operate in uncertain, dynamic environments by shifting perspectives, experimenting, and integrating new practices. The book closes by suggesting that future research explores the paradox between the potential and preservation of power within design practices.
One of the book’s strengths is its theoretical depth and interdisciplinary approach. Galli draws on various disciplines, including systems theory, ethics, and leadership studies, to frame design as a vehicle of power. His exploration of corruption and entropy as drivers of systemic transformation offers a fresh perspective on contemporary design systems’ challenges and opportunities. By reframing these concepts as paradoxical yet essential components of systemic renewal, Galli provides practical guidance for design leaders navigating uncertainty. His insights on adaptive leadership encourage practitioners to embrace conflict and disruption as drivers of innovation, challenging traditional notions of order and stability.
Francesco Galli’s Design is Power: The Dark Side contributes to ongoing discussions about design’s entanglements with power and control, a topic previously explored in works such as Tony Fry’s Design As Politics and Richard Farson’s The Power of Design. What distinguishes Galli’s approach is his introduction of a new theoretical framework for understanding systemic power dynamics in design and his use of case studies to ground these ideas in practice. Additionally, his emphasis on adaptive leadership and distributed empowerment as strategies for addressing these dynamics offers practical insights. While the book offers significant insights, its theoretical density and reliance on abstract terminology may limit its accessibility to readers without a background in design theory or related fields. The Theoretical Framework section, in particular, em-ploys complex conceptual frameworks and dense academic language, which, alongside jargon and minor editorial errors, could distract some readers. However, Galli’s work is very relevant to current debates in the design community, encouraging more reflective approaches to design leadership and practice.
Samantha Osys is a PhD Researcher with the Open University Design Group in STEM, where her research focuses on locating ethics within digital design practice.
Anna Talley posted an articleBook Review: 'Transforming Higher Education with Human-Centred Design', reviewed by Quyen Tuong Vu. see more
Transforming Higher Education with Human-Centered Design
Eds. Radka Newton, Jean Mutton and Michael Doherty
Taylor & Francis
Review by Quyen Tuong VuTransforming Higher Education with Human-Centered Design, edited by Radka Newton, Jean Mutton and Michael Doherty, is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive view of Human-Centered Design (HCD) in the context of higher education. The book offers a solid theoretical framework to support educators in effectively integrating HCD into their teaching practices. It not only covers the fundamental concepts of HCD but also provides in-depth analysis of practical applications, such as enhancing student learning experiences and improving teaching skills. Specific strategies, ranging from redesigning lesson plans to creating more empathetic learning environments, make the book a practical tool for not only teachers but also administrators and policymakers.
Written by a group of authors from diverse fields and roles, this book reflects a wide range of perspectives and expertise. In addition to authors from the education field such as James Moran, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum Design at the University of Westminster and Bo Kelestyn, Associate Professor and the Undergraduate Student Engagement Lead at the Warwick Business School, the book also includes works by those with backgrounds in design, including Kim Anderson and Bernadette Geuy, and those in law, including Michael Doherty, Professor of Law at Lancaster University. Although coming from different lexicologies, the authors avoid overly complex terminology, making the content accessible to a broad audience.
A standout feature of the book is its approach to guiding readers through the topic using the steps of Design Thinking, a creative problem-solving method emphasizing empathy and innovation. Molly Northcote illustrates how this methodology was applied to complete the book, emphasizing practicality in every step of its development. In Chapter Two, ‘Service Design Solves the Right Problem’, author Adam Lawrence clarifies the term of Service Design” and Design Thinking, stating:
Service design (or design thinking, if you prefer) is a human-centred design approach that focuses on understanding the needs of users, employees, and organisations and fashioning offerings that meet those needs in a holistic and integrated way.
This Design Thinking approach to applying HCD follows a logical progression from general ideas to detailed applications, guiding readers through real-life studies and experiences from leading educators. Pamela Spokes and Jean Mutton, in their chapter ‘Change HEROs: Scaling Service Design as a Core Competence for Professional Services Staff’, share their journey of using HCD to improve performance and student experiences, emphasizing the essential role of Service Design in educational management. They explain how they drew upon their extensive experience in administrative and operational roles to create a course specifically for people like them: those wanting to make sustainable service improvements in systems and procedures, created or redesigned through human-centered research. In ‘Mindsets Eat Methods: Human-Centered Design for Organizational Change in Higher Education’, authors Phillippa Rose and Sharon Jones discuss how HCD provides tools to enhance user experience through real-life examples in higher education. Meanwhile, Radka Newton and Michael Doherty, in their work ‘‘Know thy Student, for She is Not Thee’: User Personas as a Way to Give Agency to Student Voice’, demonstrate how using User Personas fosters empathy between lecturers and students, ultimately improving their relationships.
Transforming Higher Education with Human-Centered Design is not merely a guide to HCD but a call to reimagine the approach to education. By emphasizing the learner's experience, it inspires educators to transform classrooms into spaces where learning is not only effective but also meaningful and personalized. Combining theory, practical applications, and philosophical reflections, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in education.
Vu Tuong Quyen, MA, graduated from Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture, majoring in interior design and graduated with honors from the University of Florence, Italy, majoring in design. Here she researched product design, UX design, and architectural history. She is currently doing her PhD in design at the University of Lisbon, Portugal with the topic "Classroom Furniture as a Support for Children's Well-being in Vietnam". Her research fields are well-being, furniture design, UX design, and space design. She is a lecturer at the College of Technology and Design - UEH Vietnam.
Anna Talley posted an article'Creative Design and Innovation' reviewed by Tomás GarcĂa Ferrari. see more
Creative Design and Innovation: How to produce successful products and buildings
By Prof Robin Roy
Taylor & Francis
Review by Tomás García FerrariRobin Roy’s Creative Design and Innovation: How to produce successful products and buildings examines the interplay between creativity—defined as an essential element of the innovation process and the activity oriented to outcomes that people would generally consider benign—and innovation—understanding it could be an activity or the outcome of that activity. The author focuses on physical objects, and moves across diverse design domains, including engineering, product and industrial design, architecture, eco-design, fashion, graphic design, media and fine arts, transportation, and consumer electronics. Drawing on extensive academic and research experience, Roy integrates case studies and theoretical insights to offer a valuable resource for academics and practitioners navigating the complexities of innovative design with a focus on physical objects rather than services, processes or systems. For instance, Roy explores the development of the smartphone as a revolutionary product, alongside innovations in architecture such as eco-friendly buildings.
The book’s eight chapters are structured to progressively deepen the reader’s understanding, beginning with foundational concepts and frameworks. Roy explains the relation between creativity and innovation , citing Bettina von Stamm (2003, p.1), who notes that the innovation process cannot occur without creative work, with creativity being essential at every stage of the process. The author emphasises the role of design as a bridge between these two domains. He then presents diverse case studies from various industries and time periods, from Dyson’s cyclone vacuum cleaner (1984), the Rover Safety bicycle (1885) and the development of pre-fabricated eco-houses (2005), before concluding with actionable guidelines for successful creative design and innovation. By presenting complex ideas through tangible case studies—including eight major examples across revolutionary, radical, and major innovations such as the iPhone, the Barking Bags for dog walkers , and the pneumatic cycle tyre—alongside practitioners’ insights, the book illustrates the transformative potential of well-supported ideas. It highlights not only the importance of funding but also the contextual factors that influence innovation. In conservative, risk-averse environments, the adoption of innovative designs is likely to be slow. These case studies are carefully chosen to represent a good mix of historical and contemporary innovations, spanning diverse domains. Throughout, Roy captures the multifaceted nature of creativity, incorporating perspectives that illuminate the intricate and elusive aspects of the creative process.
Roy’s accessible style is evident in his clear explanation of concepts like the distinction between creativity and innovation and the use of relatable case studies. His years as design educator are shown in the didactical approach and how the text gently guides the reader, providing necessary pauses to consolidate ideas. This accessible yet detailed writing style makes it appealing to both experts and novices alike.
While some chapters centre on UK-based examples, the universality of the concepts ensures applicability to a range of contexts. However, readers from non-Western context may find some examples distant, particularly where cultural or market-specific nuances are significant. That said, Roy’s inclusion of globally impactful innovations such as the smartphone, provides sufficient balance and ensures the transferability of key principles.
Roy’s use of case studies, coupled with concise summary sections, makes the book particularly relevant for understanding creativity and innovation. It examines the conditions that foster these processes, showing how they lead to successes or, as explored in the final chapter, sometimes failures. For those seeking to cultivate environments conducive to design-led innovation—whether in education, industry, or policymaking—this book provides substantial material and critical lessons. The actionable guidelines in the final chapter, distilled from patterns observed in the previous case studies, are particularly useful for practitioners. Its contribution complements work such as Tim Brown’s Change by Design: How Design Thinking Creates New Alternatives for Business and Society (2009) and Nigel Cross’s Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work (2011).
Overall, Roy delivers a compelling exploration of the processes behind iconic projects, offering inspiration for expanding approaches to design and fostering innovation. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and educators alike, as well as a potential tool for advocating the role of design in policy and strategy. By bridging theory and practice, Creative Design and Innovation stands as a significant contribution to the literature on design, creativity and innovation.
Tomás García Ferrari is an accomplished designer, educator, and researcher specialising in design theory and digital media. He has built a career spanning Argentina, Germany, and New Zealand, contributing to design, education, and research. With extensive experience across academia and industry, he has worked on projects ranging from interactive systems to cultural heritage. García Ferrari is known for his interdisciplinary approach, combining human-centred design with technological innovation, and publishes on design theory, practice, and its intersections with technology and society. Currently, he holds a Senior Lecturer position at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.
Von Stamm, B. (2003) Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity. Chichester: Wiley.
Anna Talley posted an articleBook review of 'Breaking the Bronze Ceiling', 2024. see more
Breaking the Bronze Ceiling; Women, Memory, and Public Space
Co Edited by Valentina Rozas-Krause and Andrew M. Shanken
Fordham University Press
Review by Rukmini SwaminathanBreaking the Bronze Ceiling; Women, Memory, and Public Space pays homage to a 2020 political campaign in Kentucky. The campaign prompted the construction of a memorial to mark the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. Such a campaign indicates the sparse existence of commemorative structures dedicated to women by women. Breaking the Bronze Ceiling addresses the underrepresentation of women in the physical landscape of cultural memory and encourages readers to engage with analyses of existing monuments. Through the course of eight chapters and eleven case studies from North America, South America, Africa and Europe, the book draws our attention to the myth of equality using the subject of representation in public spaces.
Monuments of women fall short of “breaking the glass ceiling” as they continue to perpetuate stereotypes of gender. The book highlights this through its structure, which is framed using sculptural tropes: ‘patronized women, public women, women warriors, and allegorical women’. Working through these categories, the authors observe how representations are ‘fixed’ but also co-opted to suit different contexts. Officials and planners are often seconded by the public in the commissioning of work that ‘fixes’ identities. However, every monument discussed in the book also highlights how these ‘fixities’ are contested amongst the public. The monument then becomes a site that initiates the breaking of narratives to include more representations of cultural memory.
On the theme of “patronized women,” Amanda Su’s ‘George Eliot at Nuneaton and Trans Monumentality’ (chapter 2), investigates how anti-BLM (Black Lives Matter) protesters choose to protect the statue of George Eliot, a central monument in the town of Nuneaton in Warwickshire, England. The statue of Eliot depicts her as a docile Victorian woman seated on a bench, looking downcast. It is a precise symbol of women’s domestic roles and the importance of this labor within the mining town. Under the Thatcher government, the coal industry faced severe financial constraints leading to unemployment of white working-class men and redirecting of women's labor to the home. These experiences have since influenced the support for Brexit and anti-BLM protests in Nuneaton. Eliot’s statue has been used to symbolize notions of ‘conformity’ in these political protests. However, Su’s analysis of the statue stresses Eliot’s trangender identity that is suppressed in the narratives of working-class rights. Eliot reflects the co-existence of several identities and several competing narratives; while she was trans and a sympathizer of the Civil war, people who endorse different values from Eliot use her as a symbol of their cause by constraining themselves in their representation of her.
A similar case is seen in the next section, “public women”, where partial lives of certain figures have been incorporated into the ‘public’ imagination. ‘“We Shall Beg No More”: Helen Keller, Politics, and Commemorations in the National Statuary Hall’ (chapter 4) by Sierra Rooney discusses the insertion of a statute of Helen Keller on behalf of the state of Alabama to the National Statuary Hall, Washington D.C. The statue freezes Keller in the body of a young girl next to a water pump, a famous instance in her life when she learned to associate words with images. While the insertion of Keller in the space of primarily male statues demonstrates Alabama’s “progressive” thinking, Rooney brings us back to the ‘fixing’ of Keller’s identity. The infantilization of Keller glorifies her as an icon of disability, while also disassociating her from the liberal values Keller fought for as an adult. The memorialization of figures like Keller and Eliot have placed them in singular molds when in fact, their lives were multifaceted.
In section 3 and 4, ‘women warriors’ and ‘allegorical women’, the gendered subjects resist the freezing of bodies without their consent. The chapters elucidate the gap between the histories sanctioned through monuments and narratives that are inherited and remembered by ‘living’ subjects. By placing material and immaterial actors in conversation with one another, the fissures between the two provide scope for resistance. In ‘The Myth of the Passive Woman in Confederate Monuments’ (chapter 5), Nathaniel Robert Walker discusses the ‘Warrior Queen’ as a symbol of Charleston, South Carolina. Some of Charleston’s statues portray her being protected by a man. During the Civil War, to protect the women and children of the town from ‘outsiders’, the men of Charleston incarcerated them. Drawing on this event, Walker rereads the monuments of the ‘Warrior Queen’ statues as a memory of the women who resisted ‘their own’ people. She argues the women of Charleston protected the city from its own people who wanted to modify the landscape for the sake of progress. These women also campaigned to memorialize the work of confederate women. The confederate sculptures build on the allegory of Patience. They depict women kneeling, thereby submitting to ideals of womanhood envisioned by women of Charleston as the preservation of culture and devotion to family. The artifacts present the women as protectors of the city, taking history into their own hands. However, Walker is critical of what history is being memorialized. While the confederate monuments of Charleston honor women, the representation of ‘black’ women as the ‘mammy’ reifies the ‘fixing’ racial hierarchies. The book underscores the complicacy of women in maintaining racial and class hierarchies while also advocating for gender rights. In another case study, the Antimonumenta collective in Mexico reinscribes the soldaderas monuments that commemorate Mexican women in the revolution. While they acknowledge the ‘indigenous’ woman, she is yet to rewrite her own story like the ‘mammy’.
Despite the Antimonumenta collective’s blindspots, in ‘Firearms, Flowers, and Barricades: Women’s Reinscriptions in the Mexican Landscape of Monuments’ (chapter 6), Tania Gutirrez-Monroy comments on the shared relationship between the commemorated and activists today. She analyzes the Soldaderas statues in Mexico and their inability to suggest the dual role of women as mothers and fighters in the revolution. Shawls worn by the women were used to carry bread and messages between homes bridging the private and public as they moved in these spaces. Though the shawl is cemented on the statues, their adaptive quality between the public/private divide is not comprehended on the statue. The depiction of the Soldaderas women as fighters forgets the other identities she embodies as a mother and a woman, which allow her to move between the public and private worlds so seamlessly. Today, the Antimonumenta collective uses the Soldaderas statues and public spaces to reawaken issues of the ‘home’ and bring them out in the open. They draw inspiration from the past to rewrite their own histories.
The book fittingly concludes with an allegory of Patience who signifies preservation, virtues of care while awaiting change. Daniel Herwitz’s ‘Patience on a Monument: A History Painting’ studies Penny Siopis’s rendition of Patience as black woman sitting on a rock while her surroundings depict the end of the Apartheid in South Africa. It comments on the passive role of women as she patiently accepts her fate of bearing the brunt of violence. Is she sitting on gold? Is she sitting on waste? As she sits on the ‘pile’, Hertwitz’s argues her act of waiting, can be understood as a form of agency. It is finally her turn to speak, assuring readers that the future of memorialization is in the midst of change. As it breaks the “Bronze Ceiling”, we are left with many possibilities of what the future of remembering could look like. The book uses an array of examples from different parts of the world to show the simultaneous “breaking” of “gender equality” in monuments as a global concern. However, in placing these case studies together, there is fear of flattening histories of gender and race which are significantly shaped by their regional contexts.
Rukmini Swaminathan is a PhD student at the department of History, University of Michigan. Her research focuses on postcolonial public housing in India. She is particularly interested in the intersections between design history, material culture and the aesthetics of public culture.
Anna Talley posted an articleBook Review: Design Thinking and Other Approaches by Nathan Crilly, Reviewed by Maithili Mishra. see more
Design Thinking and Other Approaches
Nathan Crilly
Cambridge University Press
Reviewed by: Maithili MishraPractitioners from different disciplines tend to view the world through unique lenses, shaped by their specific knowledge, methodologies, and values. The intersection of design thinking (DT) and different disciplinary approaches can lead to innovative solutions and cross-pollination of ideas. Design Thinking and Other Approaches—How Different Disciplines See, Think and Act, by Nathan Crilly, thoughtfully maps relationships between design thinking and other approaches like ‘evolutionary thinking’, ‘mathematical thinking’, ‘statistical thinking’, ‘geographical thinking’, ‘historical thinking’, ‘anthropological thinking’, among others. This mapping is done via qualitative visualizations, allowing for a deeper understanding of the similarities, differences, and potential synergies between these approaches. Key chapters review components of disciplinary approaches and examine claims about these approaches, revealing how they evolve as contrasting or complementary. The possibility of connecting design thinking with such an extensive set of disciplinary approaches is an asset for the design community looking to embrace new perspectives and ideas. The central approach of “design thinking” is portrayed as a set of components labelled as – ‘creativity and innovation’, ‘user-centeredness and involvement’, ‘problem solving’, ‘iteration and experimentation’, ‘interdisciplinary collaboration’, ‘ability to visualize’, ‘gestalt view’, ‘abductive reasoning’, ‘tolerance of ambiguity and failure’, and ‘blending analysis and intuition’.
A section examining the principal attributes of design thinking relative to the myriad disciplinary approaches is illustrated in a scientifically organized manner, citing broad-ranging published work. Related literature includes work on generating creative ideas across individual disciplinary approaches and turning them into innovation propellers for competitive advantage. Works on extracting geographical applicability spring from ideas on promoting a stronger African design identity that can inform relevant solutions for African societies. For deriving relevance to the future of work, literature on adopting historical thinking is appreciated for changing the fundamental mental structures for grasping the meaning of the past. The author emphasizes that “a consequence of abstracting from the specifics of disciplinary practices is that the resulting descriptions are no longer tied so closely to those disciplines’ traditional domains of application. As such, it [describing disciplinary approaches] is a feature of many projects that they advocate for the wide-ranging applicability of the disciplinary approaches that they are describing. These are approaches that can ostensibly be learnt by many people outside the originating discipline and implemented by them in many contexts or domains.”
A deep theoretical characterization of every approach follows. The disciplinary approaches are considered as “a set of components, which can be identified as ways of thinking, objects of thought, thinking skills, cognitive styles, habits of mind, mindsets, craft knowledge, attitudes, logic, perspectives, inclinations, dispositions, personal traits, values, and perspectives (as distinct from subject matter knowledge, processes, actions, techniques, tools, and outputs).” The author studies "subtle, complex and shifting things” (i.e. the actual disciplines) and works to provide definite, simple, and static descriptions of them (i.e. the specified approaches).
The section on ‘Collecting Disciplinary Approaches’ tabulates an expansive set of components providing a detailed understanding of the elements of twelve disciplinary approaches. The author introduces ‘variants’ to refer to the different proposals of definitions of ‘components’ that refer to the different parts or ingredients that make up any disciplinary approach, allowing for a more nuanced analysis. Systematic tabulation details one variant of each approach, including the original name provided by the authors, a full list of its components, the definition of each component and anything that the components are explicitly contrasted against. There is also a summary of the main methods used to identify the components, and any associated notes of clarification. This organized and consistent tabulation permits comparison within and across disciplines.
Examining the table, it is interesting to see how concepts of design thinking maps to those of entrepreneurial thinking, for example; (be empathetic and user-centered) → (develop empathy for customers), (welcome ambiguity and complexity) → (tolerate ambiguity), (seek collaboration and co-creation) → (enlist others in your venture), (be creative and change oriented) → (be creative within constraints). Similar mappings involving design thinking and systems thinking, for example; (adopt an integrative perspective) → (adopt a holistic view). Design thinking also blends well with computational thinking for example; (engage in problem solving) → (decompose and solve problems), (be experimental and iterative) → (work iteratively and incrementally), (demonstrate design process) → (plan and design solutions). Future work in the field of design involves design thinking-led-experimentation for boosting the quality and relevance of the tapestry of design artifacts. The author mentions that “central to design is the practice of conceiving plans for enabling goal-directed change. When described at this level of abstraction, aspects of design thinking will clearly be employed in other disciplines, such as when scientists plan experiments to test hypotheses (‘experiment design’).”
"Design Thinking and Other Approaches" is a valuable resource for understanding the interplay between design thinking and various disciplinary perspectives. The book reinforces the general notions of approaches of ‘design thinking’ that includes empathy, visualisation, and creativity, and provides a solid foundation for further research and exploration in this area. The insightful exploration thus facilitates cross-disciplinary learning and sets the stage for further theoretical development and practical application to emerging collaborative design environments.
Maithili Mishra is a designer from Clemson University. A budding researcher, she specializes in the research areas of Human-Centered Computing (HCC), specifically virtual humans (VH). She is also interested in the development, critique, evaluation, and characterization of UX and visualization systems. -
Anna Talley posted an article'Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction', reviewed by Gerry Derksen. see more
Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction
By Sabine Niederer and Gabriele Colombo
July 2024
256 pages
216 x 138 mm / 9 x 5 in
Polity PressReviewed by Gerry Derksen
In an era dominated by visual communication, “Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction” by Niederer and Colombo emerges as a timely and comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of image-based research. This book offers multiple approaches to understanding, analyzing, and utilizing digitized and generated images in academic and practical research contexts, making it an invaluable resource for scholars, data scientists, and visual communication professionals.
The authors begin by introducing readers to various image types, including non-human, soft, glitch, and networked images. This taxonomy sets the stage for a deeper exploration of how different image categories function in research and communication. Particularly intriguing is the discussion of networked images, which considers the evolution and spread of memes, highlighting the dynamic nature of visual communication in digital contexts.
One of the book’s strengths lies in its presentation of five strategies for studying groups of images: source-based, expert-curated, query-based, snowballing keywords, and image-based collection building. These methodologies provide researchers with a robust toolkit for approaching image analysis from multiple angles. The authors’ explanation in Chapters 2, “Distance Images: Reading Large Collections,” and Chapter 3, “Networked Images: Platform Image Analysis,” describe how these strategies can be applied in various contexts, such as distant and close reading, demonstrating the book’s practical value.
The concept of “distant reading” of images is particularly prescient given the increase in user-generated visual content and collections of large data sets. By discussing how extensive collections of images can be analyzed based on formal similarities, what Lev Manovich calls ‘cultural analytics’ (2012) is applied initially to art and magazine covers and, more recently, used on social media images. The authors introduce readers to powerful organizational techniques using computer vision, or structuring data around timestamps, or digital features such that a hierarchy is formed based on top-level searches to links and sub-linked items. Their example of using clustered data to study images related to the Paris Climate Agreement and subsequent US withdrawal illustrates how these methods can yield insights into complex social issues. What is not mentioned, however, are cautionary tales of user-generated images or tagged associated data that include biases, which the authors only discuss in the final chapter on AI-generated content. Here, Niederer and Colombo highlight the relationship of clustered images, examining the associations between clusters using sentiment from keyword descriptions, for example. The edges of adjacent clusters form new contexts defined by publics who assigned the keywords on a given platform.
Equally important is the book’s treatment of “close reading” of images. The authors advocate for a nuanced approach that considers not just the content of individual images but also their context within metadata, such as ranking, hash terms, search hierarchies, and keyword use, for grouping and overlaying images across smaller collections. This multi-dimensional analysis framework encourages researchers to look beyond surface-level interpretations and consider the broader sociocultural implications of the collection.
Chapter 4, “Critical Images: Exposing Inequalities with Visual Research,” stands out for its engagement with pressing social issues. By examining how images can reveal or perpetuate inequalities, the authors demonstrate how visual research used for social critique can uncover messaging that borders on stereotyping. The discussion of pregnancy vs. unwanted pregnancy imagery and the analysis of Getty’s “Lean In” collection offer compelling examples of how visual representation intersects with social justice issues, even when conscientious efforts are taken to lessen hegemonic influences.
The book takes a significant turn in Chapter 5, “Participatory Images: Talking Back to Maps,” exploring the potential for more inclusive and reflexive research methodologies. By introducing concepts like “matters of care” used by data feminists, the authors challenge traditional power dynamics in research and advocate for approaches that include participants’ perspectives. This section raises crucial questions about authorship and bias in data collection, explicitly encouraging readers to examine their methodologies while advocating for participatory research designs critically. Niederer and Colombo challenge earlier research methods’ inequity as a bias but call for a shift in perspective from power and dominance to emotion and embodiment. This shift localizes the relationship between participant and data visualizations rather than attempting to stress ‘one single loud, or technical, or magical’ voice (D’Ignazio and Klein, 2020). Using current digital visualization techniques, the authors illustrate how images can be seen both as networked and as individual contributions within a participatory research framework.
One of the more topical chapters of the book is Chapter 6, “Machine Images: Generative Visual AI for Research,” which discusses methods of image generation and analysis methods. The distinction between prompt engineering and prompt design offers a nuanced understanding of how to leverage AI in visual research. The discussion of negative prompts, generic prompts, and abstract prompting provides valuable insights into the potential and limitations of AI in image generation and model insights as a focus of study.
While the book covers an impressive range of topics, some readers might find certain sections overly brief. For instance, the two paragraphs on Forensic Architecture leave the reader wanting more about this intriguing approach to crisis analysis. Additionally, while the book raises important ethical considerations, case studies describing their outcomes, from ethical implications of AI-generated imagery to participatory research methods, would have been welcome. Understandably, methods are used differently in studies; however, these examples provide hints as to when and for what purpose they can be applied.
Despite these minor limitations, Visual Methods for Digital Research succeeds in providing a comprehensive and thought-provoking overview of contemporary visual research methodologies. Its interdisciplinary approach, combining elements of data science, social science, and media studies, makes it relevant to a broad audience. The authors’ emphasis on critical thinking and ethical considerations ensures that readers are equipped not just with methodological frameworks but also with the ability to reflect on the broader implications of their research.
Niederer and Colombo have produced a valuable resource that will undoubtedly shape the process of visual research. By encouraging researchers to consider various approaches, engage with emerging technologies, and remain mindful of the social impact of their work, Visual Methods for Digital Research starts a valuable conversation for scholars in the use of these methods and the perspective position from where they originate. It is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand and harness the power of images in academic and applied research contexts.
Professor Gerry Derksen is originally from Canada where he attended the University of Manitoba’s architecture school and later graduate school at the University of Alberta. Under Jorge Frascara he studied visual communication design, integrating user-centred design philosophy with traditional marketing communication strategies. The subject of his PhD dissertation is “A Smart Toy to Aid Children with Autism”, predicting the next best question to optimize learning. Much of Dr Derksen’s published research includes interactive media for the web, visualization in digital humanities, and communication for behavior change. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Graphic Communications teaching the first course on Design and Machine Learning at Clemson University.
Anna Talley posted an articleBook Review: Teaching Graphic Design by Sven Ingmar Thies. see more
Teaching Graphic Design: Approaches, Insights, the Role of Listening, and 24 Interviews with Inspirational Educators, edited by Sven Ingmar Thies, is a thoughtful and practical resource for graphic design educators. The book prioritizes questioning, listening, and communication as fundamental to the growth of teachers, learners, and the design field. The introductory chapters reflect on the nature of design education, while perspectives are broadened in the second half of the book, which shares twenty-four interviews with design educators and twelve project briefs from varied university courses.
The structure of the book unfolds from the theoretical to the granular, and the central topics are explored with refreshing humility and clarity. Front matter spotlights the featured educators with a photo and key idea or question in the form of a pull quote. From this initial highlighting of the multiple voices and perspectives featured within, the book moves on to an introduction and then four key chapters: graphic design, teaching, interviews, and sample assignments.
The book’s introduction preemptively answers many of the potential readers’ questions about what they will next encounter. The pedagogical tactic of encouraging students to consider the who, what, why, and how of each research topic is fore fronted, as the introduction is carefully arranged to answer each of these questions regarding the project itself. The following four goals for the book are introduced: 1) to create an overview of potential teaching parameters 2) to listen more consciously in class 3) to receive feedback for one’s own teaching and 4) to foster more spatial variety. Ten years on and reflecting back on his first year of teaching, Thies notes that in this first year as an educator what would be taught (subject and goals) was immediately clear, but how it would be taught was less clear.
The graphic design chapter focuses on the question “what is it we are teaching?” and consists of three subsections: in search of a definition, design practice, and design education. This preliminary content considers the broader roles of graphic design as a changing field in evolving societies. Here, Thies argues that graphic design aims to change, understand, ideate, and realize, and that each of these activities is fundamental to the nature of design. The situational context for graphic design connects what occurs in the classroom with what occurs beyond classroom walls. By embracing new perspectives and ideas, we change the discipline as the discipline changes us as designers, educators, individuals, and communities.
After this broader theoretical consideration of graphic design as a discipline, the teaching section explores the theory and practice of design education, asking the question “how do we enable learning?” Here, Thies encourages shifting perspective to that of the learner, and explicitly including teachers within this category of learners. Again, the organization of this chapter demonstrates clarity of intent, with subsections asking key questions such as “Who am I?” and “Who am I Teaching?” Within the latter section, acknowledged differences of classroom learners include social background, age, basic education, personality, learning experience, motives, goals, and convictions. Discussion of classroom diversity tends to imply a classroom demographic similar to that at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where Thies teaches, and socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic diversity could be more explicitly discussed to make this discussion relevant to broader campuses. The subsection “How do I Teach?” is organized around the ideas of acting consciously, asking, listening, speaking, rethinking, letting do, and variety. Inquiry and development are embraced; and listening to others’ perspectives in order to learn, grow, and better collaborate is always prioritized. Thies writes “if asking questions is looking into the future, listening is acting in the present” with listening here meaning a focusing of attention, with the example of a productive feedback session given. The typical expected course of action for both educators and students is noted here as beginning with the same two verbs: 1) asking and 2) listening, but Thies argues that listening should instead be placed at the central role within a matrix of other pedagogical actions (asking, speaking, rethinking, and letting do) as it ought to be practiced more consciously as a central tenet, as a method of transferring responsibility to students and motivating them to think, decide, and act.
The subsequent section of the book, educator interviews, asks how others teach. This section consists of 24 interviews with educators in Austria, China, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the USA, including well-known practitioners such as Erik Spiekermann and Stefan Sagmeister. These interviews were collected over the course of four years between 2019 to 2023 and were primarily conducted face-to-face—not a small task considering the broadly dispersed geographic locations of the featured educators. Thies acknowledges major shifts, including the pandemic impact on teaching modalities, within design education over the course of the project, and projects exploring contemporary topics such as artificial intelligence are deftly woven into broader book themes. Rather than providing a set list of questions for each educator, Thies tailors each interview to that educator. Questions asked within each interview reflect knowledge of each individual’s background, approaches, and specialties to tease out the most useful insights for other educators. These insights are both practical as well as theoretical. Again, the importance of listening is discussed with a variety of educators, with LeeAnn Renninger commenting that listening means creating both a habit of curiosity and a habit of questioning, as well as the ability to perceive underlying beliefs, motivations, and foundations beneath surface rhetoric. Takeshi Sunaga ties real listening to genuine interest and wholehearted attention to students.
The final sample assignments section asks what other educators’ project briefs might offer and provides twelve selected project briefs. This section provides specificity that is neatly linked to many of the abstract discussions in the preceding chapter, and grounds the discussion in specific assignments. The brevity of this section indicates an initial collection of briefs that could justifiably be fleshed out into a more expansive collection of project briefs in the future. A valuable companion volume might include additional student insights into the briefs, activities, topics, or pedagogical methods discussed.
Throughout Teaching Graphic Design: Approaches, Insights, the Role of Listening, and 24 Interviews with Inspirational Educators, the writing is succinct, intentional, and considered. The importance of listening and reflection is reinforced throughout the book, shifting focus from the singular designed outcome or artifact to the shared experience of classroom collaboration and inquiry. The emphasis on classroom communities as collaborators for change is practically supported by varied educator interviews, and ultimately the book provides an engaging collaborative discourse and nuanced inquiry into the nature of design education.
Teaching Graphic Design: Approaches, Insights, the Role of Listening and 24 Interviews with Inspirational Educators (Edition Angewandte)
Sven Ingmar Thies
Publisher : Birkhäuser (31 Dec. 2022)
Language : English
Perfect Paperback : 352 pages
ISBN-10 : 3035626006
ISBN-13 : 978-3035626001About the Reviewer
Ellen Christensen is an Assistant Professor of Visual Communication Design in the School of Design at San Francisco State University. She completed an M.F.A. in Graphic Design at the Rhode Island School of Design, where was the recipient of a RISD Research Grant, a Graduate Division Fellowship, and a RISD Fellowship. Her graduate thesis at RISD, Placefulness, researched design strategies of care and community placemaking. She received a B.A. in American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, where she graduated with High Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, and Magna Cum Laude. At Berkeley, she formed her own concentration within the American Studies major, “Ethnicity and Visual Representation,” and was the recipient of the William Stout Award. Her work explores collaborative methods of physical and virtual community building.
Anna Talley posted an articleBook Review: Meaningful Stuff. Design That Lasts. by Jonathan Chapman, Review by Niklas Hermann Henk see more
Title: Meaningful Stuff. Design That Lasts.
Author: Jonathan Chapman
Publisher: MIT Press
Year: 2021
ISBN: 9780262045728
Reviewed by: Niklas Hermann Henke (Information and Communication Science, Ph.D.), Scientific Work Package Leader at Capgemini Engineering (Toulouse, France) and Research Member of the GRESEC laboratory (University of Grenoble, France).
‘Never have capitalist societies owned so much, wanted so much, and wasted so much’ (p. 1). In Meaningful Stuff. Design That Lasts, Jonathan Chapman makes a profound argumentation for a sustainable design ethos. Although the book was published in 2021, its importance to current design practice is relevant as recent technological developments (particularly in relation to generative AI) make a long-term ecological design ethos essential. Chapman's book remains one of the most powerful ones on the subject for several reasons. Chapman mobilises a variety of data to analyse today's design culture and its impact on society and the environment, revealing the facts on questions such as: What rare materials are required to make digital devices? What social and environmental (hidden) externalities are associated with them? How long is the average life cycle of modern consumer goods compared to the time it takes to create the exploited resources? The facts associated with these questions are downright scandalous and point to weaknesses in design professions, such as their focus on producing short-lived products that are programmed to fail quickly (#planned obsolescence) or to be outlived by newer versions,
“In manufacturing consumer electronics-arguably one of the most socially and ecologically significant areas of design activity today-we produce forty tons of waste to manufacture one ton of products. Of that ton of products, 98 percent are discarded within just six months of purchase. In the use of energy and material alone, this sequence of events is less than 1 percent efficient. Or to put it another way, our prevailing system of production and consumption is over 99 percent inefficient.” (p. 47).
As a result of today’s non-sustainable economic system, it is expected that the oceans will contain more plastic than fish in 2050. The ecological catastrophe is compounded by social injustices and the worrying circumstances surrounding the extraction of conflict materials such as cassiterite, wolframite, coltan and gold ore. Based on a such a diverse range of data from different disciplines, Chapman criticises modern throw-away culture, planned obsolescence, stock-piling of just-in-case-possessions, mindless use of resources, and proposes perspectives for more sustainable design practices. He criticizes the fact that many modern consumer goods are produced in a way that make it impossible to repair them – as for example the glued interior of Apple’s AirPods. Consequently, in suburbs lies more valuable resources than in mines, as the percentage of gold in smartphones is higher than in rocks and earth extracted from a gold mine. However, it is less costly to extract gold from a gold mine, then to recycle smartphones. This represents a system failure. For companies, it is more profitable to make throw away products then repairable and lasting ones. Therefore, Chapman pledges for making the unseen social and ecological externalities of products (resources, pollution, social injustices) part of the design process. The design process should not only address the conception, production, and use of a product, but also its disposal. Too many designers are focused on too few touchpoints between users and products, leaving aside the supply-chain and disposal. Chapmans propositions are close to known approaches such as Cradle-to-Cradle, which have not found their implementation in most industrial design practices yet. Chapman proposes an understanding of how such an approach could be realized systematically.
The ecological consequences of modern consumerism are grounded in socio-psychological mechanisms that make an individual's consumption behaviour incredibly complex: “People buy things because of what they can do with them, what they can tell others about them, and what having them says about themselves.” (p. 6). To understand this complexity, Chapman mobilises the anthropological framework of fundamental philosophers such as Heidegger, Adorno and Weber, which he links to recent empirical findings in the field of design research and ecological economics. He examines in detail aspects of emotion, aesthetics, meaning, ideology, and even supernatural beliefs, all of which have an impact on our relationship with objects. The emerging complexity creates certain challenges for design professions, as it becomes increasingly difficult to address such a complexity in daily design practices (partly due to institutional restrictions or budgetary, political or time constraints). At the same time, designers can have a positive impact, as many aspects of a product need to be 'designed' - potentially in an environmentally sustainable way. As you read, bear in mind that the term "design" is used very broadly and that the book is aimed at, for example, product designers, UX designers, marketing specialists or communications consultants alike. It is not limited to design professions but a valuable source of reflection for everyone. The challenge for designers today is to design products with meaning. Not just superficial meaning, but a deep connection and emotional value. Chapman's book is not a blind critique of modern throwaway culture, but a detailed analysis of it, offering practical recommendations, such as incorporating more repair options into products. Repairing a product makes the user a co-creator, creating a more meaningful and lasting bond between the user and the product. “(…) we must design material things to last longer through their innate ability to change over time: things that are not finished and can be repaired and altered. This goal requires a new design philosophy of things that are deliberately incomplete, and things that stay in motion.” (p. 114). Chapman proposes an insightful pledge for a sustainable design ethos. It is a passionate argumentation for maintenance, repair, and care - a sustainable design approach for creating meaningful products that are transformative, eventually imperfect, and modifiable by users. This implies a use-culture based on collaboration, sharing, and repairing. It represents a more natural approach, opposed to the artificial focus on industrial perfection, which can be summarized with Chapman’s observation, referring to the Japanese worldview focused on imperfection, “Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect.”
About the Reviewer: Niklas Henke is Scientific Work Package Leader at Capgemini Engineering in Toulouse and part of the research team Future of People@Work / Comm@Work since July 2023. He works at the intersection of Design and Communication Research, combining artistic with scientific perspectives. He worked for innovation- and design / advertising agencies based in France and Germany, as Creative Strategist, User Interface Designer, and as a Freelance User Experience Researcher. His research focuses on the role of creativity and the human body in the context of modern technological transformations. He teaches theoretical and practical design and communication courses in Grenoble, Paris, Cologne and Duesseldorf.
Anna Talley posted an articleBioprotopia, reviewed by Turhan-Haskara. see more
Title: Bioprotopia: Designing the Built Environment with Living Organisms
Author(s): Ruth Morrow, Ben Bridgens, Louise Mackenzie (editors)
Publisher: Birkhäuser
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9783035625806; 3035625808; 9783035625790; 3035625794Reviewed by Gozde Damla TURHAN-HASKARA (Architect, Ph.D.), Asst. Prof. Dr., Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Izmir/Türkiye.
Bioprotopia: Designing the Built Environment with Living Organisms by Ruth Morrow, Ben Bridgens, and Louise Mackenzie (eds.) offers an insightful exploration into the intersection of biology and architecture. The book challenges conventional architectural practices by introducing the concept of Bioprotopia, a perspective that sees places as living environments shaped by biological processes and our coexistence with organisms.
The authors emphasize the transformative potential of biotechnology in building design, highlighting innovative projects across macro and micro scales such as the BioKnit that explores the possibility of growing buildings using biological materials, challenging traditional design methods, or Healing Masonry that investigates introducing bacteria to traditional construction materials to enable self-healing properties, or Bacterial Sculpting that investigates microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICCP) as a biomineralization process, or the Photosynthetic Biocomposites that explores the integration of living microalgae within minimal moisture environments.
What sets Bioprotopia apart from other literature on biodesign is its emphasis on real-world application and interdisciplinary collaboration. Unlike the previous publications of the editors and authors of the book, and others in the literature on material studies, prototyping, and the theoretical possibilities of biological architecture, Bioprotopia provides concrete examples of biotechnological innovations and their implementation in architectural design projects. This practical approach, coupled with its ethical considerations and social equity framework, distinguishes this particular book as a valuable resource for designers and students seeking to create more ecological and inclusive built environments.
The introduction of the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) can be the most integral part of the book in which this collaborative research initiative is showcased, aiming to develop life-sustaining buildings responsive to their natural environment. It is effectively argued for a paradigm shift in architectural practice. These micro and macro projects serve as practical demonstrations of how biological innovations can contribute to creating sustainable and adaptable built environments, through a concrete example of OME building. Conceived as an experimental building, the design was guided by a comprehensive workshop involving the founding members of the HBBE and led by FaulknerBrowns Architects. Despite its experimental nature, the OME was envisioned as a stepping stone to the next level of testing and prototyping. The spatial concept of the building centered around a small, self-contained domestic space (studio apartment) on the first floor. This space was designed for microbiome studies, exploring the role of ventilation, material surfaces, and other interventions in microbial communities. Additionally, the studio apartment serves as a space to engage with the public and explore attitudes towards biotechnology in a domestic context. The OME features prototyping and exhibition spaces designed for flexibility. Wall lining boards, services, and structural elements were designed to accommodate the integration of new biomaterials and technologies as they develop.
One of the other key strengths of Bioprotopia lies in its emphasis on collaboration between architects, biologists, and engineers. By bringing together experts from diverse fields, the book fosters a holistic understanding of biodesign and its potential impact on architectural practice. This collaborative ethos distinguishes Bioprotopia from other literature on biodesign, which may fall short in demonstrating a real-world application scenario with the proper expertise.
In the context of the current climate crisis, Bioprotopia emerges as a timely and impactful contribution to environmental impact of archtectural design discourse. The book confronts the urgent need for sustainable solutions in architecture, offering practical strategies for mitigating the ecological footprint of the built environment. By promoting self-sufficiency, resilience, and regenerative design principles, Bioprotopia inspires designers to rethink their approach to architectural practice and to adopt more ecologically sensitive methodologies.
Last but not least, Bioprotopia seeks to influence design practice by advocating for ethical considerations and social equity in architectural decision-making. The book reflects on the disparities followed by the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to architectural design. By foregrounding issues of vulnerability and care, Bioprotopia challenges designers to prioritize the well-being of communities and ecosystems in their projects. The book references environmental artist Agnes Denes's “Book of Dust” to illustrate the interconnectedness of human and non-human agencies in shaping planetary life-worlds. It emphasizes the ethical responsibilities and response-abilities required to address the environmental crises we face, advocating for a more compassionate and sustainable approach to living with human and non-human worlds.
In conclusion, Bioprotopia presents a compelling vision for the future of architecture, one that is deeply rooted in biological principles and informed by ethical imperatives. By offering practical insights and critical reflections, the book empowers designers to embrace biotechnology as a tool for creating regenerative and resilient built environments. It is very mind-opening for the readers to see two implementation routes clearly. On one hand, there seem to be substitutional strategies using biomaterials like mycelium for insulation, while the other route embraces radical approaches in reimagining construction norms. Of course, while the extent of the impact of both ways may vary depending on factors such as industry adoption and policy support, Bioprotopia lays the groundwork for a paradigm shift in architectural discourse towards greater sustainability and resilience. Therefore, both paths require careful consideration of sustainability, avoiding potential harmful impacts from large-scale biotechnological production and transportation practices.
Its interdisciplinary approach, timely insights, ethical considerations, and most importantly, positioning itself beyond a mere prototype mark, Bioprotopia is a powerful seminal text at the intersection of biology and architectural design, demonstrating an actual operation of a bio-building, led by diverse voices, including marginalized communities and policy-makers. Ultimately, the realization of Bioprotopia depends on a collective intelligence, derived from these voices in the service of environmental justice.
About the Reviewer: Dr. Turhan-Haskara studied Architecture (B.Sc-hons.), and completed Master in Advanced Architectural Design (M.Arch.) program with a focus on scripting languages in architectural design processes, natural algorithms and interactive cities; and Master of Science in Architecture (M.Sc.) program with a focus on time-space compression and its effects on global urban space. She is a graduate of Design Studies Ph.D. program with a specific focus on biobased material studies, computational design and digital fabrication. Her current interests also include machine learning (ML), diffusion models (DMs) and large language models (LLMs) for design applications. She works as an Assistant Professor at the Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design.
Anna Talley posted an articleDesigning for Sex and Gender Equity by Isabel Prochner, review by Annapaola Vacanti see more
Annapaola Vacanti is a Ph.D research fellow at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy. Her research focuses on Human - Technology Interaction, exploring the intersection between human factors, technological development and the latter's social and ecological impact. She is also the organizer and art director of TEDxGenova.
Achieving gender and sex equity in design is a process that requires awareness, sensitivity, data, and dialogue with practitioners from (many) other disciplines and the people for whom we are designing. Isabel Prochner, an assistant professor of industrial design at Virginia Tech University, paves the way for achieving such equity through an insightful and pragmatic book. The book provides real-world examples of projects that already aim to address inequality and injustice from the disciplinary framework of gender studies. Such information comes from original interviews conducted by the author, representing a unique research approach for gathering insight into the field of designing for diversity.
Prochner begins the book reminding us that ‘all design is biased’. Before diving into the applied design cases, the introductory chapter provides an overview of the concepts of sex and gender – which are still too often confused and misused – and how they relate to other intersecting identity systems such as race, class, ability, age, etc., causing many people to be subjected to unique forms of oppression. Queer and feminist theories are then proposed as the main theoretical frameworks for the research work. From such premises, the following chapters thoroughly describe how diverse design practices can be leveraged to achieve more equitable conditions for different groups.
Several chapters are focused on those who have female bodies and struggle to find products suitable for them. For example, female users are often overlooked when designing personal protective equipment (Chapter 2), because that kind of gear is usually modelled on male measurements, resulting in fitting issues and less effective protection from hazard. The chapter highlights the potentially deadly implications of these design gaps, explaining how anthropometric data and standard regulations need to evolve and adapt. Intersectionality is pivotal in such matters, and a positive case history is presented through the experience of a company providing masks that are specifically designed for different ethnicities and faces.
Another relevant matter regarding female users is discussed in Chapter 5, where the focus is on the role of design in overcoming existing norms surrounding sex and female pleasure. In this context, socio-sexual taboos make it hard for designers to have a striking impact. Nevertheless, relevant case studies such as inclusive dating apps and sexual education apps are spreading in an effort to support female, transgender, and disabled people’s pleasure. Chapter 6 delves into the complex relation between design and female bodies by focusing on sportswear. The paradox that women get criticism both for wearing too much and too little is especially evident in sport, and the matter gets even more complicated when it involves women of faith, who struggle to find modest sportswear that can allow them to compete in their preferred disciplines without renouncing their religious beliefs. Prochner describes the design process of modest swim clothes and sport hijabs, highlighting the need for careful user research and thoughtful reflection.
The focus switches on male identifying users in Chapter 4, which brings to light through data evidence on depression and suicide in high-income countries how men's struggles with mental health are often overlooked and untreated. Men show different symptoms than women and are culturally less prone to look for professional support. Although noting that masculinities are plural and socially constructed – the same as femininities – Prochner discusses how a gender-specific design is needed in this case, and how the matter is being approached through e-mental health services and interior design for in-person treatment.
Other chapters move away from gender-specific areas of intervention and describe a multifaceted scenario where the design practice emerges as a valuable support for overcoming gender binarism and allowing everyone to equitably develop their uniqueness. This matter is especially evident in the discussion around the design of toys (Chapter 3), which has a great and long-lasting impact on the development of children identities. Design should offer a wide range of toys, avoid representing extremes like hyper-femininity and hyper-masculinity, and offer playthings that encourage children to explore and learn new skills. Another key takeaway from this chapter is the need to give representation to transgender and gender-diverse identities, which can be done easily – for example – in video games.
Another area in which design can be incredibly inequitable, or have a great potential for positive change, is digital technology. In the era of AI, the anthropomorphised technology is as strong as ever, and, intentionally or not, it draws on gender stereotypes (Chapter 7). Prochner gives an insightful overview of the development of virtual assistants, highlighting how strongly biased their responses were in the past, and how big companies had to take responsibility and more accurately design their synthetic reactions. Equitable change is possible and is being led by independent projects (such as a gender-neutral AI voice) and feminist hackerspaces.
Chapter 8 highlights how beauty and personal care products are among the most sexed and gendered products on the market, depicting a complex, intersectional scenario in which sex and gender are deeply intertwined with beauty norms and cultural representation. Design that embeds gender expectations, racism, colonialism, ageism, and ableism is no longer acceptable, as it has a devastating impact on anyone whose body is farthest from the supposed ‘ideal’.
The last chapter aims to draw a synthesis of the overall body of work, clarifying that designers should address sex and gender in many ways, as it makes most sense in their specific context. Effective strategies include both deaccentuating and accentuating diversities. Prochner brings more examples and case studies, discussing how unisex and gender-neutral approaches may not be successful in certain situations, particularly because they suffer from a hard-to-root-out masculine bias. Therefore, multi-sex and multi-gender approaches could offer more tools for designers who aim to increase representation, education and social support, and gender-affirmation through their practice.
Designing for Sex and Gender Equity serves as a practical guide that brings the extensive insights of feminist and queer studies to application in design. It leverages empirical research and the teachings from Prochner's many interviews to present readers with the necessary tools to act. It can also be an effective entry text for designers to deepen their studies on specific areas such as technology, safety, beauty, etc., from the lenses of equity and inclusivity.
Designing for Sex and Gender Equity
by Isabel Prochner
Routledge -
Anna Talley posted an article'Design Social Change' by Lesley Ann-Noel, Review by Michael Kibedi. see more
Michael Kibedi is a design researcher and writer. He holds a Master's in Human-Computer Interaction Design from City, University of London. Michael has interdisciplinary interests across academic and artistic research that address human-computer interaction, conceptual art, Black studies, and data justice.
Design Social Change started life as a cookbook. Before writing the book, the author, Lesley-Ann Noel often asked her class 'Can we cook up change?' to visualise how design contributes to making change happen. The metaphor of cookery speaks to our shared understanding of preparing a favourite meal. Design relies on many methods (or ingredients) that must be applied in a controlled manner so we end up with an outcome that matches our vision (or dish). In Design Social Change, we are invited to accompany the author on a journey to rethink not only how we design, but also why we design — and how we strive towards equitable social change.
Lesley Ann-Noel, an assistant professor in Design Studies at North Carolina State University, draws on her scholarly research, teaching and lived experience to question the status quo that stubbornly refuses to budge within design — how white supremacy fixes normative standards; how patriarchy upholds structural inequality; how ableism frames disability as a personal rather than social inequity; how heteronormativity produces data injustice and exclusion. We have undoubtedly witnessed discriminatory outcomes occurring from many “magical” solutions that promise impartiality, efficiency and fairness. Noel not only asks us to consider how design should evolve to counter these scenarios — but, more importantly, she challenges us as practitioners to define our positionalities, so we are more critically aware of the scenarios in which we labour, and the structural changes we plan to make. Achieving social change means dreaming differently about alternative futures. In Design Social Change, Noel gives us a guidebook in taking our first steps towards reaching this goal.
Design Social Change is a compact volume split into three sections. In addition to the essays, each section contains practical steps for applying theory (Your Turn) and a space for deeper reflection (Take Note). Noel has also chosen the accompanying art with care, using the work of Trinidadian artist Che Lovelace. His paintings echo the teaching in each section, while also providing a visual reminder of the richness of Trinidad’s culture and history. The compact dimensions (and make no mistake, the compact size should not belie the richness of the lessons in this book!) and vibrant artwork used throughout communicate that this is not a text to be left on a shelf, or forgotten once read.
The first section “What’s Wrong?” is concerned with helping the reader establish critical awareness and identify their positionality. Feminist theory is utilised to show us how to critically look at ourselves and question our personal, cultural, social and political selves. We can then map out our combined advantages and disadvantages, and recognise how they might show up in our work or bias our thinking. This rich lineage of feminist scholarship — including Donna Haraway, bell hooks and Patricia Hill Collins — helps the reader perceive structures, power and how they interact with our person. Adapting the work of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator, we are guided towards achieving a newfound clarity so we can become more critically self-aware. We are not individual contributors working on that shiny new design in isolation — but rather, our labour occurs within a structural system which advantages and disadvantages us differently across many facets of our ever-changing identities.
The second section “What Does It Feel Like?” seeks to help us deepen our emotional intelligence. For an industry laser-focused on defining success by metrics and scores, we are invited to consider how the entangled, messy reality of social change needs us to pay more attention to our emotions. An immediate emotional response may be to feel anger when first confronted with the realisation that structural injustice and oppression persist. Possessing a deepened emotional intelligence means we become more confident within ourselves to adopt an oppositional viewpoint and challenge the status quo. One of the first skills we learn as researchers is to always ask “Why?” — whether of our participants or research subjects. However, it is much harder to take this approach when contending with decades of ingrained cultural norms that have shaped design practice or confronting exclusionary citational practices that have excluded Black or Indigenous knowledge.
Design Social Change culminates in the third and final section “What World Do You Want to Design?” Possessing a heightened self-awareness and deeper emotional intelligence, we are now ready to take tentative steps towards imagining social change. Starting from the historical example of the abolishment of chattel slavery, we are taught that an abolitionist mindset seeks emancipation, liberation and abolition together, to begin dismantling the interlocking structural oppression of white supremacy, patriarchy, ableism and heteronormativity — it is by breaking free from our existing and structurally oppressive landscape that lasting, meaningful change can begin to be realised. Creative world-building has a long history across many cultures. Examples across many Afrofuturisms have speculatively imagined and worked outside the bounds of oppressive environments that have historically curtailed minoritised communities — a small act of resistance that reaps creative rewards. Noel introduces an adapted framework, Critical Utopian Action Research (CUAR), to show how we can take our first steps in speculative design work to step closer to similar abolitionist futures.
Design Social Change is an accessible handbook that makes years of feminist and decolonial scholarship of immediate and practical use. Empirical research and the learnings from Noel’s taught experience are the basis for making an immediate and compelling call to action. Design Social Change rewards repeat readings, and provides valuable resources to assist in workshops or discussion groups.
Despite these favourable reflections, it should also be recognised that Design Social Change enters an increasingly hostile professional environment; one where some institutions — academic and corporate — are passively, or in some cases, actively undermining advocacy for structural reform and equitable change for minoritised scholars, practitioners and their allies. Designers and researchers who are motivated to challenge the status quo will find a worthy companion contained in the lessons from Design Social Change. However, the uncomfortable truth that some may be forced to confront is that by striving for the abolitionist futures imagined in this book, there may be personal, financial, or career sacrifices in making these dreams a reality.
Design Social Change: Take Action, Work toward Equity, and Challenge the Status Quo (Stanford Library)
146 pp., 6 x 7 in, colour illus.
Paperback: November 2023
Publisher: Ten Speed Press
Anna Talley posted an articleShriyash Shete reviews Design for a Better World by Don Norman (MIT Press). see more
Shriyash Shete is currently working as a Senior User Experience Designer at Zscaler, a cybersecurity firm based in Silicon Valley. He holds a Master's in Human-Computer Interaction Design from Indiana University Bloomington. His work integrates a broad interest in design, technology, and innovation, informed by his unique background in data analytics, industrial engineering and social work. Committed to practicing sustainable and inclusive design, Shriyash engages with ongoing developments in design research, data visualization and emerging technologies.
In Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered, Don Norman once again proves why he is revered as a visionary in the world of design. The renowned design thinker, whose earlier works, like The Design of Everyday Things, have become seminal texts in design research, uses his new book to address broader and more urgent ecological and societal issues, such as climate change, inequality and global wellbeing. Norman collectively terms them as the ‘21st century’ design problems. Design for a Better World urges the design community to steer humanity towards a more sustainable, meaningful, and humane future by working with people, not for them.
In the beginning, Norman clarifies that the scope of this book diverges significantly from his previous works. While his earlier writings primarily focused on usability and human-centered design, Design for a Better World takes a macroscopic view. Norman stresses the responsibility of designers not just to users, but to society and the environment at large. He extends the concept of design beyond aesthetics and functionality, portraying it as a pivotal tool for systemic change.
The central thesis of Design for a Better World is that many of the issues facing modern society are fundamentally design problems that can be addressed through intelligent, systemic design thinking. Norman makes a compelling case that designers have a crucial role to play in tackling systemic challenges like climate change, poverty and more. He points out that while scientists provide key insights about the nature of problems, designers are uniquely skilled at finding actionable solutions.
Herbert Simon’s definition of design is well-known: To design is to devise courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones. Norman’s argument throughout the book complements this definition by emphasizing the importance of change in human behavior to drive the course of action as it also envisions the preferred situation for a better world. Through this book, Norman highlights the significance of participatory design with various disciplines such as science, technology, economics, politics and design approach to expand its focus from human-centered design to humanity-centered design.
The book consists of a total of thirty eight short chapters organized into six parts that stem from three overarching themes: 1. Meaningful, 2. Sustainable and 3. Humanity-centered. The author outlines them as three critical causal factors that need to be priortitized and reconstructed with the help of design thinking to reduce many of the planet’s ecological ailments.
In the first part, the author introduces the notion of artificiality to explain the root of the many crises facing contemporary society. He takes the course of history into account that he then holds responsible for bringing us all in this crisis situation. He then adeptly categorizes problems into societal, environmental, and technological realms, stressing the interconnectedness and artificiality of these domains.
Part 2, 3 and 4 examine the current issues and gradually unfold the main themes of the book where the author discusses how we can transform our lives so that we achieve the goal of producing a meaningful, sustainable and humanity-centered world. Parts 5 and 6 focus on actions that must be taken and why they are not easy to achieve.
One of the highlights of Design for a Better World is how Norman moves fluidly between big picture ideas and pragmatic details. While he presents compelling arguments about design's role in shaping society, he also offers specific suggestions for how designers can incorporate social responsibility into their work. For example, he advocates for the use of design principles like co-creation and democratization to give people more agency over the systems that govern their lives. Norman provides actionable advice for designers, from emphasizing user needs over stylistic trends, to diversifying teams to include more perspectives.
Technology, a recurrent theme in Norman's earlier works, gets a nuanced treatment here. He acknowledges the power of technology in enabling innovative solutions but warns against tech-centric approaches that overlook human and environmental costs. The discussion on AI and automation is particularly insightful, balancing the potential benefits with ethical and societal implications.
A vital chapter of the book is dedicated to education. Norman proposes a radical overhaul of design education, advocating for curricula that foster systemic thinking, empathy, and ethical responsibility. He suggests that design education should not be confined to design schools but should be integrated into various fields, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the challenges we face.
In the concluding sections, Norman paints a picture of what the future could look like if his principles are embraced. He envisions a world where design contributes to solving pressing global issues like climate change, poverty, and inequality. This vision is optimistic but grounded in realism, acknowledging the challenges and complexities involved.
While the book offers plenty of optimism about design's potential, Norman balances this with thoughtful critiques of the field. He points out that designers frequently focus on incrementally improving existing products for individual gain, rather than addressing root causes of larger societal problems. For design to live up to its promise, the field needs more socially-conscious practitioners who prioritize public good over profit. Norman offers insights into how design education and practice could be reformed to nurture these types of designers. He also asserts that truly effective design requires collaboration across disciplines, since few problems can be solved through design alone.
Through this book, Norman has done a profound work of framing the complex, ill-defined and wicked global crises that our world is facing today, by keeping human behavior and humanity-centered design at its core. Norman’s thesis lies in his formulation of principles for impactful and humanity-centered design. These principles are not just guidelines but are articulated as moral imperatives for the design community. For instance, he advocates for ‘Inclusivity’, urging designers to consider the broad spectrum of human diversity in their solutions. Another principle, ‘Sustainable Design’, goes beyond the typical environmental focus, encompassing the need for designs that are economically and socially sustainable.
While Design for a Better World is a monumental work, it is not without its shortcomings. Some critics may argue that Norman's principles, though well-intentioned, could be seen as overly idealistic, particularly when confronting entrenched corporate and political interests. Additionally, while the book excels in breadth, certain areas could benefit from deeper exploration, particularly regarding the practical implementation of these design principles in resistant industries and governments.
Through this work, Norman reasserts himself as a guiding light in the design community, offering not just critique but a path forward. Design for a Better World is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the power of design to drive social change. This book is an urgent call to action, a blueprint for using design as a force for positive change in an increasingly complex and troubled world. Norman’s visionary perspective combined with pragmatic insights makes this work an essential read not only for designers but for anyone interested in the betterment of our global society.
Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered
376 pp., 6 x 9 in, 8 b&w illus.
Published in Hardcover: March 2023
Paperback: April 2024
Publisher: The MIT Press