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Fellows of the Design Research Society

Conferment of the title of Fellow of the Design Research Society (FDRS) acknowledges an established record of achievement in design research, and attainment of peer recognition as a researcher of professional standing and competence.

Instructions on how to Apply for a DRS Fellowship [ pdf]


List of DRS Fellows

  • Professor Erik Stolterman Bergqvist (Luddy School of Informatics, USA)

  • Professor Tracy Bhamra (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)

  • Professor Richard Bibb (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

  • Dr Phillip Cash (University of Northumbria, UK)

  • Professor Lin-Lin Chen (Technological University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

  • Professor Nathan Crilly (University of Cambridge, UK)

  • Professor Hua Dong (Brunel University, UK)

  • Professor Thomas Fischer (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)

  • Dr Jodi Forlizzi (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

  • Professor Ken Friedman (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)

  • Dr Per Galle (Royal Academy Denmark, Denmark)

  • Professor Ashley Hall (Royal College of Art, UK)

  • Dr David Hands (Brunel University, UK)

  • Professor Paul Hekkert (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)

  • Professor Ann Heylighen (KU Leuven, Belgium)

  • Professor Robert Jerrard (Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, UK)

  • Professor Steve Love (Glasgow School of Art, UK)

  • Dr Terence Love (Design Out Crime, Australia)

  • Professor Alastair Macdonald (Glasgow School of Art, UK)

  • Professor Judith Mottram (University of Lancaster, UK)

  • Professor Gjoko Muratovski (Deakin University, Australia)

  • Professor Yukari Nagai (Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

  • Dr Arlene Oak (University of Alberta, Canada)

  • Professor Tiiu Poldma (Université de Montréal, Canada)

  • Professor Lubomir Popov (Bowling Green State University, USA)

  • Professor Vesna Popovic (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

  • Professor Johan Redström (Umeå University, Sweden)

  • Professor Yoram Reich (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

  • Professor Robin Roy (The Open University, UK)

  • Professor Keiichi Sato (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)

  • Professor Stephen Scrivener (University of the Arts, London, UK)

  • Professor Kin Wai Michael Siu (PolyU design, Hong Kong)

  • Dr Melissa Sterry (Bioratorium®, UK)

  • Professor Toshiharu Taura (Kobe University, Japan)

  • Professor Teal Triggs (Royal College of Art, UK)

  • Professor Sue Walker (University of Reading, UK)

  • Professor Danielle Wilde ( Umeå University, Sweden)

  • Professor Pradeep Yammiyavar (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India)


Honorary Fellows of the DRS

Honorary Fellows are from time to time appointed by invitation of the DRS. Appointees are regarded as being of exceptional standing, having made a significant and sustained contribution to the objectives of the Society. Appointees normally will be Fellows of the DRS.


Honorary DRS Fellows Appointed

  • Professor Rachel Cooper

  • Professor Nigel Cross

  • Professor David Durling

  • John Christopher Jones*

  • Professor John Langrish

  • Professor Kun-Pyo Lee

  • Professor Victor Margolin*

  • Professor Thomas Maver

  • Professor Don Norman

  • Professor Charles Owen*



DRS Lifetime Achievement Awards

The DRS Lifetime Achievement Award is made to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of individuals who have significantly contributed to the development of design research over a working lifetime.


DRS Lifetime Achievements Awarded

  • Professor Ezio Manzini (2024)

  • Professor Rachel Cooper (2016)

  • Professor Victor Margolin (2016)*

  • Professor Nigel Cross (2005)

  • Professor L. Bruce Archer (2004)*

  • John Christopher Jones (2004)



Applying to become a Fellow of the DRS



Members of the Design Research Society may apply, or be nominated, to become a Fellow of the DRS with conferment of the title acknowledging an established record of achievement in the field of design research or research-based design practice.

The DRS Fellow annual subscription is £105.00 (GBP) per annum with Fellows entitled to all the regular benefits of membership.

Fellowship of the DRS has significant benefits including:

  • Personal use of the suffix FDRS in recognition of being a Fellow of the Society;

  • Peer recognition as a significant design researcher;

  • Joining a community that is regularly consulted on the future of the DRS;

  • Eligibility to join the Fellows Election Committee.


Potential candidates for Fellowship should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a current membership of the Design Research Society;

  • Possess a research qualification (normally a PhD or Masters research degree);

  • Have at least 7 years experience of research relating to design, or research-based design practice;

  • Demonstrate a significant record of achievement in design research through (for example):

- Publications of an international standard;
- Successful research projects;
- Supervision of postgraduate research students;
- Postgraduate research education


Application for a DRS Fellowship

There are two ways to apply for Fellowship:

  • Self-application;

  • Nomination by any current member or Fellow of the Society.


Applications should consist of:

  1. A cover letter with a case for election (maximum 1000 words) consisting of:

A description of the contributions and achievements of the nominee or applicant based on the above criteria;
A brief outline of what contribution the nominee or applicant could make to the Society;
A list of five examples of significant design research outputs;

  2. A curriculum vitae;

  3. The nomination of two referees of standing in the field (usually current DRS members or Fellows).


Applications should be submitted to the DRS Administrator ( who will liaise with the Chair of the Fellows Election Committee in managing applications.

Applications may be made to become a Fellow of the Society at any time.


Peer Review of Applications

Applications for Fellowship will be considered by the Fellows Election Committee, chaired by the President of the Society (or nominee).

At least three members of the committee will be assigned to review new applications and make their written advice to the President based on the above criteria. The President will make a short report and final recommendation for the Chair of the Executive Board and International Advisory Council for ratification.

Candidates will usually be informed about the outcome of their application within 1 month.


Download the above guidelines as a pdf