The Design Research Society Conference 2022 is looking for student volunteers!
Student volunteers help with a variety of aspects for delivering the conference including technical support, conference guidance, online preparation and setup.
The conference will take place in Bilbao, Spain, from Saturday 25th of June to Sunday 3rd of July and will be fully hybrid, with a rich programme of activites from conversations, workshops and paper presentations to PhD events, keynote debates and a fringe festival.
As a student volunteer, you will receive a registration fee waiver and outside your conference responsibilities will be able to participate in the conference (including meals during the main programme and access to the keynote events and social dinners). You will have the opportunity to connect with the international design research community and the other student volunteers in the beautiful city of Bilbao.
Student volunteers are expected to travel to Bilbao and support the local organisation for around 20 hours with both the in-person and online conferences. Please state in your application if you already know the dates on which you will be at the conference.
Please submit an application (max 1 page + 1 page CV) including:
- Name, contact information, affiliation and current position, nationality, country of residence, and educational background.
- Please indicate the language/s you can speak. A good level of English is mandatory, Spanish is a plus.
- Please indicate if you have a paper, workshop or conversation accepted in the conference or if you are taking part in the PhD Event.
- Share the motivation for your interest in design research (200 words) and in the conference.
Lastly, please indicate the skills that you would bring (200 words) and especially, indicate in which of the following areas you think you would be able to assist:
In-person conference:
- Welcome of the participants, registration/reception.
- Assisting in a workshop: room setup, welcome of participants, registration check.
- Fringe events: registration check, helping guide participants to and from the different locations.
- Help guiding participants to the different activities and lunch breaks at the main conference venue.
- Coordinate with the track chairs and the AV/streaming staff during paper sessions.
- Assisting during Q&A sessions (papers, keynote events).
- Support local organisers during keynote events (welcome of keynote speakers, directions, etc).
- Help PhD students and PhD Events organisers at the different locations (registration, directions, supply of material).
Online conference:
- Help desk for minor tech issues on the online platform through slack channels.
- Help setting up streaming/hybrid sessions for in-person workshops.
- Help set up the exhibition space (hanging printed content, arranging the space).
- Coordinate with the local organisation to support DRS Labs organizers in sourcing material for the exhibition.
For an overview of the conference programme, check here:
For a list of the conference locations, check here:
Please apply before May 7th. Send your application and CV in one PDF file to
Please write "Student Volunteer Application" in the Subject line of your e-mail.
We expect to accept up to 25 student volunteers with a good balance between local and international participants.