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  • Derek Jones posted an article
    DRS to attend April 2019 Design Declaration Summit see more

    DRS to attend the 2019 Design Declaration Summmit

    International design organisations will meet this week in Saint-Étienne, France, as a follow up to the Montréal Design Declaration, held in 2017. The first Design Summit meeting saw 18 delegates from a range of international design organisations, including the Design Research Society (report here).

    The focus of the follow-up summit will be three work packages, selected from themes discussed at the first Summit and voted by delegates as having the highest priority in the field. These are:

    • Establishing metrics and collecting data and case studies to more effectively communicate the value of design
    • Supporting development of National and Regional Design Policies
    • Fostering development, recognition, support and funding for design education and research, including development of new formats for design education curricula.

    For each of these themes there is clear relevance to the interests of DRS members. The DRS will be represented by acting Chair, Peter Lloyd, and acting PedSIG representative Derek Jones who will both contribute to relevant workstreams,  ensuring that design research is represented as well as practice and education.

    A full report on the Summit will follow.

    You can find out more about the Design Declaration summit on their website:

     April 02, 2019