Event Details
We are pleased to announce the launch of our second Request for Application cycle for pilot and developmental research projects. Funded projects aim to develop, refine, and/or implement scalable innovative interventions or services along SCRC’s Suicide Care Pathway for adolescents and young adults (ages 13-30) in outpatient medical settings.
Awarded projects will receive $100,000 over two years, methodological and administrative support from the UW Suicide Care Research Center in all phases of their project, guidance from Center faculty and content experts, access to funds to support dissemination of project findings, and more.
Key Upcoming Dates
- June 26, 2024, 3pm pacific: Live RFA Information Session (Registration)
- September 15, 2024: Letters of Intent due
Read more about the RFA on SCRC’s webpage at: or directly to the RFA at
- Seattle, WA, USA