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DRS2024 IAC Election Nominations

16 May 2024 (All Day)

Registration for this event has passed

Design Research Society International Advisory Council Elections 2024

We are pleased to announce that nominations to stand for election to the International Advisory Council of the DRS, are now open.

The DRS seeks an additional ten design researchers to join the current DRS International Advisory Council and actively contribute to taking forward the mission of the Society in progressing the field of design research.

The benefits of serving on the International Advisory Council include:

  • Influencing the field of Design Research;
  • Being part of a leading network of design researchers;
  • Access to financial support to progress initiatives;
  • Eligibility to stand for a role on the Executive Board;
  • Career development that enhances your CV;
  • DRS Conference fee waiver.

We encourage DRS Members from all parts of the world to consider standing for election, particularly those with a vision about how design research should develop, and awareness of the Society’s ambitions.

We particularly welcome nominees from areas of the world which are underrepresented on the current International Advisory Council, including the UK, Asia and the US.

Standing for Election

To be eligible for election you must: 

  • Be a full member of the DRS; 
  • Be nominated by one other full member;
  • Have institutional support.

To complete your nomination, you should submit a candidate statement (200 words), along with statements of institutional and DRS member support, that:

  • Outlines your vision for the Society;
  • Provides an overview of your design research experience;
  • Explains how you would contribute to the DRS;
  • Confirms your commitment to creating diverse, equitable and inclusive practices in design research.

Nominations must be sent to the DRS Administrator, Justin Sacks ( by 5pm (anywhere in the world) on Thursday 16th May 2024.

For more information about the IAC and how to apply, please visit this page.

16 May 2024 (All Day)

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