The following is a call for papers for the theme track panel, “T08P11 - Doing Policy Design Differently: What Do Designers Do for Policy-Making?”. The panel will be hosted in an online virtual format. It will be taking place at ICPP7(International Public Policy Association) in collaboration with Chiang Mai University School of Public Policy, from July 2 to 4, 2025. Paper submissions for this call are due January 31, 2025.
Sponsored as the official track of PoGoSIG, this track aims to critically explore and define the relationship between policy and design. The chairs welcome contributions from practitioners and scholars that draw on practice and/or theory to illustrate and articulate the role and contribution of design to public policymaking. We are especially interested in (in-depth or comparative) case studies that shed light upon the interaction between design interventions, organizational practices and contextual influences. Academics who consider a theoretical approach will be of great value to the development of this panel which seeks to develop a bridge between a design studies perspective with that of a policy studies perspective in relation to the confluence of design and policy. We especially welcome contributions that explore the following questions:
- What do design for policy practices and knowledge contribute to the policy making process?
- What are the main points of friction when introducing design for policy in a policy design context?
- Which strategies can be used to effectively incorporate design for policy into policy-making processes and to overcome eventual barriers and constraints?
- How do more design for policy practices contribute to more effective and legitimate policies and policy outcomes and which circumstances are more or less helpful?
- How do traditional approaches of policy design and new forms of design for policy relate to each other and how can they be effectively combined?