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Call for Papers “Inclusive Design Pedagogies and Practices” for Special Edition of ENQ: The ARCC Journal

04 Jan 2022 (All Day)

Special Edition of ENQ: The ARCC Journal

Inclusive Design Pedagogies and Practices”

Guest Editors:

Stephanie Pilat, Ph.D. Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma

Angela Person, Ph.D., Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma

Carmina Sanchez, Arch D., R.A., Department of Architecture, Hampton University

Call for Papers

In 1992, Sharon Sutton identified the studio culture of architecture schools as one of the roadblocks to diversifying the profession. She cites “An exclusionary definition” centered only on aesthetics and disciplinary autonomy that “leaves the choice to become an architect to those few people who wish to practice a ‘gentlemanly’ art….” as a key challenge. Sutton, Harriet Harriss, and others have argued that the central emphasis on aesthetics and celebration of the “Howard Roark” model of genius has disenfranchised students with broader interests. As Kathryn Anthony’s research has demonstrated, cultural traditions such as final reviews, often undermine rather than contribute to learning outcomes. These cultural norms have created a self-perpetuating cycle: design programs often marginalize those students with broader interests, with social agendas or research interests by celebrating the primacy of the design studio.

While architectural and design curricula have evolved in the intervening decades, the culture of the design schools, teaching methods, and role models remain far too similar to the one described by Sutton and Anthony decades ago. By contrast, this special issue seeks to document, describe and critique evidence-based teaching and learning strategies for creating more inclusive design pedagogies and practices.

Design educators are invited to prepare submissions that draw on the latest research on adult teaching and learning, environmental and social justice approaches, community engagement practices, and more. Scholarly literature reviews that capture the state of the art, long-term case studies that abstract out larger lessons for teaching and learning, as well as comparative pedagogical experiments are welcome.


This theme issue aims to:

  • Bring to the fore critical voices and perspectives besides the predominant schools, identities and geographies and groups in the design professions.
  • Destabilize any lingering sense in design disciplines that simply teaching “how we were taught” is sufficient for current and future design students.
  • ​Expose design educators to the latest research on teaching, learning, bias, diversity, and the development of expertise.
  • ​Provide case studies of effective strategies and new initiatives both inside and outside the classroom and the studio.​
  • ​Bring together both theory and practice based on rigorous research to serve as a touchstone issue on design teaching and learning for years to come.


25 May 2021. Announcement of call for papers

04 January 2022. Deadline for submission of papers

October/November 2022. Publication of the Special Edition


Submit articles at:

To be considered for the special edition, select “Special Edition: Inclusive Design Pedagogies” under “Section” in the first phase of the submission process.

More information for authors


Kathryn Anthony Design Juries on Trial: The Renaissance of the Design Studio (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991).

Harriet Harriss, Rory Hyde, and Roberta Marcaccio, “Introduction,” Architects After Architecture: Alternative Pathways for Practice (Routledge, 2020),

Sharon E. Sutton, “Power, Knowledge, and the Art of Leadership,” Progressive Architecture 73, no. 5 (1992): 65–68.

04 Jan 2022 (All Day)

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