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Nominated Candidates for DRS Elections 2020

Nominated Candidates for DRS Elections 2020

Nominated Candidates for DRS Elections 2020

Voting for DRS Elections 2020 opened this week on Monday. We’re pleased to announce that 41 candidates were nominated to stand for the new DRS International Advisory Council (IAC). Candidates come from 17 countries across 5 continents and range from PhD candidates to internationally recognized design research leaders.

You can download the statements of all candidates, including their vision for the DRS and their research background, along with their nominator's statement here.

The IAC will advise on the future direction of the Society and help develop the range of events, services and activities we offer to our membership and to the design research community more generally. Each DRS member is invited to vote for 8-18 candidates to fill 18 IAC positions.

DRS members received an email with a link to the Opavote voting platform earlier this week. If you have questions or didn’t receive your invitation, contact DRS administrator Linda Anderson at

Voting will continue until 4th May and election results will be announced shortly after.

 April 23, 2020